Ladies Tea

The Ladies Tea is a time for ladies to fellowship and meet new people. Bring your favorite snack or finger foods to share. We will provide the hot water, tea, coffee, sweeteners and cream. Some ladies like to dress up, but it is not required. We are all camping so you are welcome to dress comfortably. This year we will have tables to host, and the hosts will sit at the tables they are hosting.
Host responsibilities: Decorate your table the evening before the Ladies Tea and help with general set up. Bring from home a centerpiece and table cloth, eight teacups to be given away (these can be acquired at thrift stores), and anything else that you would like to share with the ladies at your table.
Table decorations may include a vintage tablecloth, a centerpiece, and any other personal touches. We will vote on “Most Creative Centerpiece”, “Most Unique Tea Cups” and “Most Elegant Table”. We will have twenty round tables and sixteen rectangle tables available to host that we will vote on. You may choose what type of table you would like to host when you register for the feast. Please do not commit to hosting a table if you are not sure if you will able to fulfill the commitment.
The seating will be random, and the young ladies ages 8-19 will be seated together. Girls 4-7 will be seated with their mothers. We would appreciate those with toddlers and babies to arrange childcare during this event, with the exception of nursing infants.
We will be selling raffle tickets for a gift basket to raise money for next year’s Ladies tea. If you would like to donate anything to put in the basket, please contact us and let us know. If you have questions email us at:
You will be able reserve a ticket and/or a table to host during registration. Table hosts do not need to reserve a ticket, as they will be seated at the table they decorate.